

Our tech partnerships


By joining forces we help businesses succeed

Our purpose is to maximize our clients’ digital transformation and transition journey. A big part of our approach is teaming up with top tech players. These partnerships mean we can offer a wide range of modern solutions to meet different needs. By joining forces, we combine our know-how with our partners’ strengths, offering better services to help businesses succeed in the digital world. Through these partnerships, we tackle tough challenges together, making sure our clients are always ahead in the digital game.

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Our partners

Inês Pereira


David Castro


Carlos Castro


Glintt Next holds a distinguished position in the OutSystems ecosystem, being its oldest partner since 2008 officially. Among a network of 450 partners, Glintt Next notably ranks in the top 30, showcasing its prominence and expertise in leveraging OutSystems technology for delivering agile and efficient solutions to businesses across various sectors. This reputable standing is further exemplified by the leadership of an OutSystems Most Valuable Professional (MVP), David Castro, in a community comprising over 712,000 members. As a dedicated training partner, one of only 16, Glintt Next plays a vital role in nurturing and expanding the OutSystems community, imparting valuable knowledge and skills.
Glintt Next has a solid 15-year partnership with IBM, leveraging IBM’s Business Process Management platform. With accredited consultants, Glintt Next utilizes IBM’s 60+ connectors for diverse solutions, enabling the implementation of over 2000 processes across sectors, notably in finance. This collaboration amplifies Glintt Next’s operational efficiency, particularly in process-driven financial solutions, showcasing a synergistic blend of IBM’s technology and Glintt Next’s expertise.
Glintt Next has established itself as a Gold Partner with Microsoft, a collaboration fortified by a team of over 40 certified professionals. This partnership has been showcased in various projects, including the AMA project which utilized .NET framework among other technologies to develop a digital mobile key solution for the Administrative Modernization Agency in Portugal​. In another project, Saúda, Microsoft technology was employed for data transformation, showcasing the versatility and robustness of the solutions emanating from this partnership​. Through these projects and the expertise of certified collaborators, Glintt Next continues to leverage Microsoft technologies to develop and deliver innovative solutions across different sectors.
Glintt Next’s partnership with MuleSoft is a testament to resilience and excellence, spanning several years. As one of the earliest partners, their highly certified team has driven innovation and transformation for clients in Portugal and Spain. Together, they are dedicated to forging a more integrated and efficient future, viewing each challenge as a stride towards a more connected world. Through this partnership, Glintt Next and MuleSoft are not only enhancing operational efficiencies but also fostering a more interconnected and innovative technological landscape.
Glintt Next’s engagement with Oracle’s technologies is exemplified in projects like eTaxFree, where Java, a technology affiliated with Oracle, played a pivotal role in creating a system for managing tax-free operations in Portugal. This illustrates Glintt Next’s adeptness in leveraging Oracle-associated technologies to deliver innovative solutions. While the specifics of the partnership are not detailed in the provided links, it’s evident that Oracle’s technological suite forms a part of the toolkit employed by Glintt Next to address complex project requirements and deliver value to their clients.
Utilizing the OpenShift platform for building and deploying applications (Application Lifecycle Management or ALM) showcases Glintt Next’s partnership with Red Hat. OpenShift, a product of Red Hat, provides a robust environment for managing the entire application development lifecycle, from construction to deployment, thus facilitating streamlined operations and quicker delivery of applications. Through this partnership, Glintt Next can leverage OpenShift’s capabilities to provide enhanced ALM services to its clients, ensuring efficient application development, deployment, and management.
Glintt Next’s status as an AWS Select Tier Services Partner demonstrates a strong alignment with AWS’s cloud and AI technologies. This partnership facilitates Glintt Next’s journey in harnessing cloud services for application development and exploring AI tools like Code Whisperer. By leveraging AWS’s cloud capabilities, Glintt Next aims to drive transformation through application migration, data collection, machine learning, and generative AI, showcasing a commitment to embracing cutting-edge technologies to deliver enhanced solutions.
Glintt Next’s partnership with Google Data Services underscores its commitment to delivering excellence by leveraging Google’s cloud services and tools. This collaboration empowers Glintt Next to manage the data lifecycle end-to-end, ensuring efficient data handling, from inception to archival or deletion. By tapping into Google’s robust cloud infrastructure, Glintt Next enhances its data management services, providing clients with a reliable and scalable solution for their data needs.

Glintt Next’s partnership with UiPath, a leader in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), signifies a stride towards embracing cutting-edge automation solutions. This collaboration facilitates end-to-end business process discovery, automation, and operation, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize and transform business processes. Through this partnership, Glintt Next is well-positioned to provide innovative automation solutions that drive operational efficiency and business transformation. 

With over 20 years of experience in Service Management, Glintt Next collaborates with BMC Remedy, enriched by several certified consultants. They utilize BMC’s products in Enterprise Service Management, Enterprise Workflow, and Digital Workplace, offering organizational-wide solutions through BMC’s low-code platform. Projects like NOS and Ferrovial exemplify this partnership, showcasing Glintt Next’s capability in leveraging BMC’s technologies to deliver tailored service management solutions, reflecting a long-standing and productive partnership aimed at fostering operational excellence and streamlined workflows.
Glintt Next, with over 20 years of experience in Service Management, has been working closely with Easyvista, aided by numerous certified consultants. They harness Easyvista’s prowess in Enterprise Service Management, Enterprise Workflow, and Digital Workplace to deliver cross-organizational solutions via its low-code platform. This enduring partnership reflects Glintt Next’s commitment to leveraging top-notch solutions in Service Management to cater to diverse organizational needs, streamlining operations, and promoting digital workspace efficiency.
Since 2008, Glintt Next has maintained a partnership, now boasting 13 certified collaborators who utilize this framework as a foundational tool in critical projects. The project with the Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA) for developing a digital mobile key solution exemplifies the practical application of this partnership, showcasing how it contributes to successfully tackling critical development projects. This long-standing collaboration underscores Glintt Next’s commitment to harnessing reliable frameworks to deliver on crucial initiatives.

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Carlos Nunes | CEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non imperdiet sapien, nec molestie lectus. Nullam at risus fringilla, fermentum orci vel, dignissim erat. Quisque eleifend urna dolor, et sagittis lacus blandit non. Maecenas ultricies, lacus a tincidunt bibendum, tellus ex feugiat diam, ac mattis lorem sapien nec est.
Carlos Nunes | CEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non imperdiet sapien, nec molestie lectus. Nullam at risus fringilla, fermentum orci vel, dignissim erat. Quisque eleifend urna dolor, et sagittis lacus blandit non. Maecenas ultricies, lacus a tincidunt bibendum, tellus ex feugiat diam, ac mattis lorem sapien nec est.
Carlos Nunes | CEO